
a random sunday

Ahhh! I'm such a slacker. Only about 30% done with Afterlife by Claudia Gray. So far I'd have to say Ms. Gray is seriously disappointing, but it's probably too soon to tell!

Also, Ms. Bree over at The Awesome Magic Attic has another fabulous giveaway going on : Hex Hall and Demon Glass by Rachel Hawkins (I really enjoyed Hex Hall!!), Clarity by Kim Harrington, and Falling Under by Gwen Hayes. Head over to enter!

Upcoming Readings
I think the next books I will be reading will be E.J. Stevens' Spirit Guide series. She Smells the Dead is book one and Spirit Storm is number 2. I'm hoping to be done with Afterlife tonight and start them tomorrow!
She Smells the Dead


It's the beginning of senior year and Yuki's psychic awareness of ghostly spirits is threatening to ruin her life. Her ability to sense spirits of the dead isn't glamorous like on TV. SHE SMELLS THE DEAD. Yuki is being visited in her dreams and suspects that her friend Calvin is involved in something strange. Will Yuki be able to save the spirits and herself? 

Spirit Guide

"Let the spirits guide you, but never let them take you." Spirits of the Dead are coming...Yuki is about to face an army of lost souls on Samhain, the night of Halloween, when the spirits of the dead roam free. Yuki will need all the help she can get from her friends, but will Calvin be there for her when she needs him the most?

What is everyone currently reading? Anything worth a try?


  1. I've just completed Blood&Flowers and am currently going through my over stacked pile of to-read books near my shelf, looking for my next read.

    I look forward to a review on the Spirit Guide series, i'm curious about them.

    -Mocha from A Cupcake and A Latte.

  2. I have a ton of to read books! I always find that the ones I put off the longest are the ones I end up loving the most!

  3. "She Smells Dead": That title kinda grosses me out, not gonna lie. Seems like an interesting read though! Definitely looking forward to the reviews on this series.
