

Solid by Shelley Workinger
Release Date: 2010
Age: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction
Source: Author
Format: E-book
Buy it: Kindle version, Paperback
Other books in series: Settling TBR July 4, 2011

Could you imagine being 17 years old and finding out you may have secretly been genetically altered by the military? For Clio and a group of about 100 seemingly normal teens this is their reality. Without parents these kids, including Clio, are flown to a secluded camp in New Jersey to begin testing for the affects of the mutations. Forming fast friendships and an even closer relationship, she becomes comfortable and dives head first into her new life. But, too soon these new friends find themselves amidst conspiracy and begin asking the questions they should have been asking all along, but is it too late?
I literally just put this one down and all I can think to say right now is WOW! Shelley Workinger is a genius and I didn't want this book to end! "Solid" is the perfect balance of humor, romance, mystery, and stealth all wrapped up in a well flowing and beautifully written young adult story.

Our main character, Clio, is a sarcastic fast talking and easy to relate to teenager. This girl is hilarious, the quips and remarks she makes to her fellow peers and to herself had me laughing with tears in my eyes. I will say that Ms. Workinger does a great job bringing Clio down to earth and she has her moments, as we all did at 17. I didn't see her as the most confident of characters, but she definitely changes a lot throughout just this one book, and I can't wait to see what the rest of the series will bring for her.

Along with Clio are her cohorts, all of which she meets at the camp. We have 4 other, very different, characters that I think most readers can also relate to. Cocky athletic Garrett, well manicured and health conscious Miranda, sweet Bliss, and ready for anything Jack. There is an underlying romance in this book but it doesn't consume the rest of the story. I love that while it's present, Clio is her own girl, her choices aren't blinded by a fast romance with a hot boy. There are just enough speeding heartbeats and cute passages to keep any romantic happy.

Ms. Workinger does a great job creating a well flowing book that goes smoothly from funny one liners to serious conversations. It reminds me of Xmen, supernatural teens all living together and figuring out what they can do, while also forming bonds with others going through the same thing. I also really loved the prologue, it was the perfect glimpse at the past to help us understand the present. The mystery aspect of the story is number one. It's a thrill and a lot of fun. It's simply put: an amazing paranormal story that had me laughing, I couldn't put it down. Yes. If you are considering reading this book, my answer is yes. Thank you so much to the wonderful author for the opportunity to read and review "Solid"!

After devouring this read you too will be itching for the sequel Settling which comes out July 4th!

I would recommend this book to fans of Kelley Armstrong, Rachel Caine, Cassandra Clare, and Kiersten White.

Check it out if you liked:


  1. I haven't read the Maximum Ride series, I may have to check it out. I definitely recommend "Solid", it's pretty fantastic!

  2. This book seems really great. I like this kind of story too. Great review !
